Film Synopsis
One day she gets fed up and decides to follow the group of cool kids out one day, and discovers a horrible truth…
She then decides to take it upon herself to destroy all the vampires not only socially but literally.
Key Questions
- How will Mary attempt to kill of the vampires?
- Will Mary succeed in her attempts at exterminating the school of the vampires?
Music Magazine Evaluation
Music Magazine Evaluation
I have created a pop music magazine that is aimed mainly at young people between the ages of 11-16. It is a magazine informing readers of all the latest pop news and reviews in a clear and fun way. My music magazine is called POP. (Click)
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Music magazines follow various different codes and conventions. The main ones being, the use of a masthead, kickers and a main image on the cover. Magazine covers also usually follow a “z” shaped layout however these conventions can be challenged in cases. (Click) As you can see Q magazine clearly follows this common layout however Rolling Stones magazine have chosen to use a less conventional layout in order to create a different visual effect with their magazine. They have made the image stand out more by clustering all the text to the other side of the cover. (Click)
For my magazine I used the typical “z” shaped layout, focussing on the masthead, main image and model credit rather than the other kickers. I have done this as my magazine is a pop magazine aimed at the younger generation who will be more interested in seeing images than reading detailed text. I have used three main colours on my cover and throughout my magazine to ensure that the page is not overbearing and messy looking. I have used a decorative font for my masthead so that it stands out and creates a brand for the magazine. I also used another decorative font for the main kicker so that it clearly stands out and can catch the audiences’ eye. I have also added other magazine conventions such as a barcode, a date line and a selling line. I have tried to make the text on the page fairly simple so that the main image really stands out as I believe this is what my target audience will be most interested in. (Click)
I have used this idea of using mainly images to put across information to the reader on my contents page as well. I think that it will attract my target audience of teenagers more because it makes the page look colourful, interesting and busy. My contents page follows the conventions of tables of contents as it has quite a simple and straight forward layout with small amounts of text and grouped images. I have also put all the features into a side bar so that all the text is in one place that is easy and clear to see, rather than writing all over the page which my put off my target audience. (Click)
I have included an editor’s note which is also another convention of contents pages that gives the reader a quick idea of what they can expect from the magazine. (Click)
This double page spread from an issue of Q magazine follows fairly conventional rules such as it including a slug, a drop cap and a caption on the images. As well as a sidebar and a button it also has a “z” shaped eye flow going from the main image of Lady Gaga over to smaller ones, then to the main article and finally back over to more small images of Lady Gaga. (Click)
I have chosen not to use all of the conventions for my double page spread, for example I have not followed a “Z” shaped layout however split the page using one main image of the featured artist on half the page and filling the other half with the main body article. The style of my article is quite light and conversational, I did not want to make my interview too intense as I want it to appeal to young teenagers and it is also an interview to introduce the artist so I felt that it shouldn't be too personal as that people will not yet be interested in the details of the artists life if they are very new. I have created the interview as a way of introducing the artist to people without be too intense and scaring people off. Also by including some leading text it gives the reader a chance to quickly see what the interview is about before reading the whole thing. I think that this is something beneficial to my magazine when considering the target audience are fairly young and may not want to read the whole article so by adding leading text it give them a chance to see what the article is about before they read it. I have placed a pull quote in my article in order to quickly attract attention to my article; I think that this pull quote is appropriate as it reveal something about the featured artist which is the purpose of an interview. I have chosen not to put a by-line at the end of my article as I do not think that this is something that will interest my target audience of teenagers, instead I have added in an anchor informing readers of the release date of the artists album in order to close the interview. I did this as I think that this is something the reader and my target audience will be interested in. I have decided to leave a good amount of white space on my double page spread to prevent the page looking too cluttered and over bearing. I have used a simple colour scheme also so that the page is really focussed on the image as it stands out. (Click)
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
I have aimed my music magazine at young people between the ages of 11-16 however teenagers older than this may also be interested in this kind of magazine depending on their individual taste in music. The genre of my magazine is popular music; I think that because of this I will interest quite a wide range of people as this is quite a large and well-liked genre. I have chosen this genre based on the research I did which resulted in pop music being voted as the most listened to and therefore it made sense to create a magazine based on the genre in order to appeal to the majority. I think that my magazine will appeal to both the sexes as the featured artist is a young girl which boy’s maybe attracted to and girls may look up to. Although my magazine isn’t aimed at either sex I think that it will appeal more to girls as it is slightly gossipy and feminine and also I believe that girls enjoy pop culture slightly more than boys. So I have kept this in mind whilst creating my magazine. I have decided to use no slang in my magazine and rather prevent my magazine being exclusive. (Click)
Throughout my magazine I feel that I have used quite a neutral colour scheme and have used commonly liked fonts. I did this due to the results of my questionnaires; I carefully followed the responses as I wanted my magazine to appeal to the masses rather than a particular social group as this would fit the genre better because pop music is liked by many different people. Throughout my magazine I have chosen to use images of typical teenagers in order to appeal to my audience; I felt that if I made the images too over the top it may scare off readers as they will not relate to them. I have used mainly light and bright colours in my images in order to create a fun and welcoming atmosphere that links well with the genre of music I based the magazine on. (Click)
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
IPC Media produces a wide range of magazines aimed at men, mass market women and upmarket woman. They currently do not produce a pop music magazine which means that there is a gap in their market that could be easily filled with my magazine. However I feel that the older audience that they currently cater to will not benefit my magazine production and distribution as much as a production company with a wider audience. (Click)
Natmag reaches woman between the ages of 15-55 and also does not currently produce a pop music magazine. I therefore think that my magazine would be best produced by this company as there is a clear gap for a magazine like mine and I also think that it will fit in well with their other brands as it is aimed at a similar class of people. Some of the magazines seem to be aimed at mothers therefore women who may already buy magazine from the production team may also be tempted to buy my magazine for a younger member of the family circulating my magazine. (Click)
Who would be the audience for your media product?
My audience for my media music magazine is young teenagers between the ages of 11-16. I have chosen this age group as I think that there is a gap in the market for a magazine aimed at them. Although my magazine is aimed at both sexes I think that it will favour girls slightly more. The genre I have based my magazine on in pop, I have chosen this genre due to the responses from my questionnaire in which I found that the majority of people would rather read a pop magazine over any others.
How did you attract/address your audience?
Throughout my magazine I have used mostly indirect speak when addressing the reader and have tried to keep the writing fairly casual and informal in order to help the audience relate to what they are reading. I have also made the main article on my double page spread a interview as I felt that this would be more personal and involve the audience slightly more. This is backed up by my research, in which people said that they would like to see interviews in a music magazine. (Click)
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Throughout my project I have monitored my progress through the use of a blog. I created the blog and uploaded each stage of my work to show clearly my thought process. I think this was helpful as it enabled me to look over my progress and see where my work was going. It also helped me to evaluate myself throughout the project. Whilst working on my blog I use various other sites in order to clearly present my work. For example I have used Slideshare for all my presentations so that they can be view on the blog in the way they were intended to be. I have also used the site as it enabled me to put together the pages of my magazine to show how the overall product looks. (Click) As well as the sites I have used to create my blog I also used both word documents and excel documents when researching and planning my magazine. I used Microsoft Word to create mock-ups of each page as it was a quick and easy way to clearly plan out the basic layout of my magazine pages. I was excel when doing my initial research as it helped me to create tables and graphs which could clearly show my results. I felt that both these programmes were highly beneficial when making my magazine as without clear planning it would have been a lot harder for me to get the magazine completed in the correct amount of time and with minimal confusion. (Click)
To create the actual magazine I used Photoshop as this programme has the tools to edit my images as well as create text. Whilst creating my magazine I used a majority of the Photoshop tools in order to make my magazine look professional and appealing to an audience. I used tools such as the clone tool, the eye dropper tool, blurs and filters in order to help my edit my photos and make them appear exactly how I wanted them. As well as image tool I also used resizing, the grid and some shapes in order to help create my overall magazine and ensure the text was placed in the correct areas and matched with the main image and the rest of the page. (Click)
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I think that I have made a lot of progress between my preliminary task and my final magazine as I have been able to experiment with using Photoshop and learnt new ICT skills such as how to use the Lasso Tool to crop sections of my images to move or edit. (Click) I have used this technique of lassoing the head and bringing it in front of the masthead on both tasks however it looks more professional and well finished on my final magazine cover. I also was able to make more informed decisions about the layout and overall style of my magazine after completing the preliminary tasks. (Click)
When making my music magazine I made sure to get lots of feedback for people who would potentially be my audience. After getting this feedback I improved my magazine until I was satisfied that it had reached a good standard.
Y12 Evaluation Sophie
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Music Magazine Table of Contents Final Draft
This is my final table of contents. I have changed the images in order to add more interesting ones that maybe more appealing to my target audience. I like the compact look of my contents page as I think it makes it seem more interesting and exciting and will therefore appeal to my target audience which are teenagers.
Final Music Magazine
Here is my completed music magazine laid out in the form of a magazine in order to show how it would fit together. I made this using Issuu.
Music Magazine Table of Contents (Draft 4)
Music Magazine Table of Contents (Draft 3)
I have changed the background colour of my table of contents as I felt that the grey was too dark and the page looked better with a plain white background as it makes it look very clean and organised. I have also added in some images and a page number. I think that although the images fit in well and relate to my magazine I will change some as they all look quite similar which is not as interesting as images that are very different.
Music Magazine Table of Contents (Draft 2)
Music Magazine Table of Contents (Draft 1)
Music Magazine Table of Contents Mock Up
Music Magazine Double Page Spread Final Draft
This is my final double page spread. I have decided to remove the white box that the writing was in and I have also extended my interview to add more detail to it. I think that by extending the interview it has also improved the layout of my double page spread as it fits better in to the space whereas before there was too much white space on the page making it look incomplete. The style of my article is quite light and conversational, I did not want to make my interview too intense as I want it to appeal to young teenagers and it is also an interview to introduce the artist so I felt that it shouldn't be too personal as that people will not yet be interested in the details of the artists life if they are very new. I have created the interview as a way of introducing the artist to people without be too intense and scaring people off. Also by including some leading text it gives the reader a chance to quickly see what the interview is about before reading the whole thing. I think that this is something beneficial to my magazine when considering the target audience are fairly young and may not want to read the whole article so by adding leading text it give them a chance to see what the article is about before they read it. I have placed a pull quote in my article in order to quickly attract attention to my article, I think that this pull quote is appropriate as it reveal something about the featured artist which is the purpose of an interview. I have chosen not to put a by-line at the end of my article as I do not think that this is something that will interest my target audience of teenagers, instead I have added in an achor informing readers of the release date of the artists album in order to close the interview. I did this as I think that this is something the reader and my target audience will be interested in. I have changed my slug to read "Exclusive" rather than "POP" as I did not want to have the mast head of the magazine also being the slug on my double page spread. I think that by using the word exclusive it can add excitement to the interview as it is a punchy and straight to the point slug that informs the reader quickly of the content of the page. I used the same font for the slug as that on the masthead on my cover which is NeoRetroDraw. I think that by using this decorative font continuously it creates consistency in my magazine and a small link between all the pages so that each page doesn't look like it could come from a different magazine. I have also continued my colour scheme from the cover page in order to create consistency throughout the magazine and to ensure the reader is not overbeared my too many colours and styles going on. Although I am creating a pop magazine I have decided not to use bright ostentatious colours as an attempt to subvert stereotypes as I do not want my magazine to come across as cheesy. For the image on the double page spread I have decided to only use one unlike my original plan, I did this to unclutter the page and create a simpler looking layout that will not confuse the audience. My image is a close up of my featured artist; I think that because I have used a close up it can seem more informal. I have also asked my model to smile as I think this can draw the reader in more to the article and make it seem more inviting. In the bottom corners of each page I have added a page number to tell the reader what page they are on and creates a sense of organisation in the magazine. I have also added the magazine website next to one of the page numbers in order to publicise the magazine further and as to inform the reader of where they may find more information on the featured artist or the magazine if they wish to.
Music Magazine Double Page Spread (Draft 4)
Music Magazine Double page Spread (Draft 3)
Music Magazine Double Page Spread (Draft 2)
Double Page Spread Analysis
Y12 DPS Sophie
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Music Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis By Sophie Bouamar
The magazine I have chosen my double page spread from is Q magazine which is a monthly music magazine that was first published in 1986.
How does the choice of band featured in the article suggest who the target audience will be?
The featured artist in this double page spread is Lady Gaga. I think that this can suggest a younger audience of both male and females between the ages of 16 and 25. I think this because Lady Gaga is a fashionable and versatile artist who is currently very popular in the music world and therefore in the media eye a lot.
What type of language is used in the article?
The language of the main article is fairly formal, informing reading of Lady Gaga’s upcoming tour and what they can expect from it. There are also some quotes from the artist in order to make Gaga seem more involved in the article as fans would more likely rather read what she has to say about her tour than just a list of things that are in it. As well as this some of the article is in direct speech such as the rhetorical question, “But what does that actually mean?“ this can involve the reader and make them want to read on.
How is colour used?
The three main colours used in my double page spread and throughout the whole of Q magazine are black, red and white. This is a very bold colour scheme that grabs the attention of readers and follows the convention of having only three main colours on a magazine page.
What style of text is used? Is it similar to any other pages? What does it say about the image of the magazine and the audience?
The majority of the writing on the double page spread is in a serif font with small sections of writing in a sans serif font that is usually also in capitals. The main body text is white with smaller sections in black and red. This appears to be a continuing theme throughout the “access all areas” section of the magazine but not through the whole magazine although serif fonts seem to be very common throughout the whole of Q magazine. This may suggest a slightly more mature audience as there is no decorative text in the magazine which overall gives off a very professional and quite simple looking appearance. I therefore don’t think that the audience will be young children or young teens.
How is the double page spread laid out? How much of the pages are taken up by images and how much by text? How does this reflect the audience? What do they value?
This double page spread follows fairly conventional rules such as.... A slug, a drop cap and a caption on the images. As well as a side bar and a button.
It also has a “z” shaped eye flow going from the main image of Lady Gaga over to smaller ones, then to the main article and finally back over to more small images of Lady Gaga.
It contains mainly images, I think this is because it is an article about her concert and people will want to see the concert more that reading about it
What tone is the magazine using when addressing the reader?
The overall tone of the main article is quite formal and factually however it also is occasionally conversational. For example when it says ““It’s a pop-electro opera,” claims Gaga. “It’s the greatest post-apocalyptic house party ever” Quite. But what does that actually mean?”
The reader of this article doesn’t have to be well informed however this is more an article for a fan as it is publicising her tour a topic that would only interest someone who was already a fan of Lady Gaga
How is the artist/band presented to the audience through the images? You may wish to carry out a textual analysis.
The images in this article present Lady Gaga in a clear and trustworthy way as they are images from her tour rather than a posed photoshoot of the artist. They show her eccentric style and give the audience a clear idea of what they can expect from her and her tour.
How does the style of the article match the style of the front cover?
Both the cover and article follow the same colour scheme of red. white and black which is consistent throughout the whole magazine. They also both have similar fonts. However they are different as the main cover image is an illustration portraying a different artist form the double page spread which is about Lady Gaga
Does the article demand any prior knowledge?
Both the article and the cover have the same colour scheme which is also consistent throughout the whole magazine they also use the same fonts. However they are different as the main cover image is an illustration representing another band and not the artist on the double page spread.
Music Magazine Double Page Spread (Draft 1)
Music Magazine Double Page Spread Mock Up
I have created a mock up of my double page spread using many double page spread conventions such as a main image, a pull quote, page numbers and white space. I have chose to lay my double page spread out like this as I think it is a clear and effective way of portraying information to a reader without cluttering the page too much resulting in a confusing page that will not appeal as much to a reader.
Music Magazine Cover Final Draft
Music Magazine Cover (Draft 3)
Blog Archive
- Music Magazine Evaluation
- Updated Project Plan
- Music Magazine Table of Contents Final Draft
- Final Music Magazine
- Music Magazine Table of Contents (Draft 4)
- Music Magazine Table of Contents (Draft 3)
- Music Magazine Table of Contents (Draft 2)
- Music Magazine Table of Contents (Draft 1)
- Music Magazine Table of Contents Photoshoot Plan
- Music Magazine Table of Contents Mock Up
- Music Magazine Double Page Spread Final Draft
- Music Magazine Double Page Spread (Draft 4)
- Music Magazine Double page Spread (Draft 3)
- Music Magazine Double Page Spread (Draft 2)
- Double Page Spread Analysis
- Music Magazine Double Page Spread (Draft 1)
- Music Magazine Double Page Spread Photoshoot Plan
- Music Magazine Double Page Spread Mock Up
- Music Magazine Cover Final Draft